Thursday, May 13, 2010


I miss these people more than anything right now.
Sometimes when I am awake late at night I look though my London pictures and...
I would give anything to go back!!
But I'm going to the lake right now so I guess I'm doing alright at home :]


vocalise said...

"The grass is always greener???" Haha. That's funny, Macy. And, so normal. One of the best lessons I feel I learned from my daddy is to enjoy the moments because time slips by so quickly. It's something I literally recall him addressing...AND LIVING...since I was a young girl. I'm not always great at it...but I do try! Cute and honest post!

Kristy said...

I'm sure that you miss it, but we sure are happy to have you home!!!

Rachel said...

cool Mace...totally NOT in this photo. But I love you nonetheless. Let's skype soon?

macy marie. said...

i know rach! i couldn't find one with EVERYONE. and yes! skype really soon! i miss you so much!

Anonymous said...

holy freak i miss you. i'm calling you soon. :( p.s. i love your bangs! you look hawt. i said it. xoxoxo